Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ride on City Hall is October 9!!!!!

Join us for Ride on City Hall!

The Temecula Bicycle Coalition is just a year old, born in a coffee shop amongst a handful of cyclists who wanted to change the culture of Temecula to be bike friendly, now front and center pushing for projects that make cycling safer in Temecula.

We've done Bike Rodeos for kids, Bike Trains for students, and 150 of us showed up to become the largest entry in the Fourth of July Parade.

We worked with the City Council and City Planners The Temecula City Council on a 20 year old master plan for bike trails.

And now, just a year later, the City council is going to vote on the Temecula Bike Trail Master Plan. The plan calls for the city to connect all the bike lanes in town, add new trails and plan future city wide cycling loops.

The meeting is October 9 at 7 p.m. Let's all ride to City Hall, and get as many cyclists as possible in the room when the vote is taken.

Let's show our supporters on Council that we notice what they do.

Let's celebrate this new plan, a complete change of heart by the city, a proactive plan to make cycling safer and more fun in Temecula.

If you are in a club, organize a ride from where you usually start to City Hall. We will all converge on the meeting. Let's fill up the courtyard in front of City Hall with bicycles!

Any questions, call Rick Peoples, founder, Temecula Bicycle Coalition. 951-764-4075.

See you there!

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